Data Formats

Spych dataset

This describes, how a dataset with the spych format is saved on disk. Every dataset is a folder with a bunch of files.


This file contains a list of every audio file in the dataset. Every file is identified by a unique id. Every line in the file contains the mapping from file-id to the file-path for a single file. The filepath is the path to the audio file relative to the dataset folder.

<recording-id> <wav-file-path>


2014-03-17-09-45-16_Kinect-Beam train/2014-03-17-09-45-16_Kinect-Beam.wav
2014-03-17-09-45-16_Realtek train/2014-03-17-09-45-16_Realtek.wav
2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha train/2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha.wav
2014-03-17-10-26-07_Realtek train/2014-03-17-10-26-07_Realtek.wav


This file contains all utterances in the dataset. An utterance is a part of a file (A file can contain one or more utterances). Every line in this file defines a single utterance, which consists of utterance-id, file-id, start and end. Start and end are measured in seconds within the file. If end is -1 it is considered to be the end of the file (If the utterance is the full lenght of the file start and end are 0/-1).

<utterance-id> <recording-id> <start> <end>


1_hello 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Kinect-Beam
1_hello_sam 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Realtek 0 -1
2_this_is 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha 0 5
3_goto 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha 5 -1

speakers.json (optional)

Contains any additional information about the speakers. Of course any other information can be stored. For every speaker a key/value pairs can be defined. Basically any information can be saved, but there are some predefined values:

  • gender : The gender of the speaker.
  • synthesized : (True/False) If it is synthesized speech.
  • synthesizer_voice : If it is synthesized, what voice was used.
  • synthesizer_effects : If it is synthesized, what effect were applied.
  • synthesizer_tool : If it is synthesized, what tool was used for synthesis.


    "marc": {
        "gender": "m",
        "synthesized": true,
        "synthesizer_tool": "MaryTTS"
    "sam": {
        "gender": "m"
    "jenny": {
        "gender": "m"


This file contains the mapping from utterance to speaker, which gives the information which speaker has spoken a given utterance. Every line contains one mapping from utterance-id to speaker-id.

<utterance-id> <speaker-id>


1_hello marc
1_hello_sam marc
2_this_is sam
3_goto jenny


There can be multiple segmentations in a dataset (e.g. text-transcription, raw-text-transcription - with punctuation). Every segmentation is saved in a separate file with the prefix segmentation_. A single file contains segmentations of a specific type of all utterances. A segmentation of an utterance can contain one or more tokens (e.g. in a text segmentation every word would be a token). A token optionally can have a start and end time (in seconds within the utterance). For tokens without start/end defined -1 is set. Every line in the file defines one token. The tokens are stored in order per utterance (e.g. 1. word, 2. word, 3. word, …).

<utterance-id> <start> <end> <token-value>


1_hello -1 -1 hi
1_hello -1 -1 this
1_hello -1 -1 is
1_hello_sam -1 -1 hello
1_hello_sam -1 -1 sam
2_this_is -1 -1 this
2_this_is -1 -1 is
2_this_is -1 -1 me
3_goto -1 -1 go
3_goto -1 -1 to
3_goto -1 -1 the
3_goto -1 -1 mall


A subview defines a kind of a filter for dataset, which builds a subset. A dataset can contain multiple subviews. Every subview can has multiple filter criteria:

  • filtered-utterances : A list of utterance-ids which are used in the subview.
  • filtered-speakers : A list of speaker-ids which are used in the subview.
  • utterance_idx_patterns : A list of reg-expressions to match used utterances.
  • speaker_idx_patterns : A list of reg-expressions to match used speakers.
  • utterance_idx_not_patterns : A list of reg-expressions to match not used utterances.
  • speaker_idx_not_patterns : A list of reg-expressions to match not used speakers.

The subview just contains the items, that match all criteria. Every line in the file contains one filter criterion.

<criterion-name> <criterion-value>


filtered_speaker_ids marc sam
filtered_utt_ids 1_hello 2_this


Contains a list of stored features. A dataset can have different feature containers. Every container contains the features of all utterances of a given type (e.g. MFCC features). A feature container is a folder on the filesystem, which contains one numpy file per utterance with it’s feature matrix. Every line contains one container of features.

<feature-name> <relative-path>


mfcc mfcc_features
fbank fbank_features

Spych dataset legacy

This is the old version of the spych dataset format. A dataset is a folder consisting of the following files.


The mapping between recording id to audio file path.

<recording-id> <wav-file-path>


2014-03-17-09-45-16_Kinect-Beam train/2014-03-17-09-45-16_Kinect-Beam.wav
2014-03-17-09-45-16_Realtek train/2014-03-17-09-45-16_Realtek.wav
2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha train/2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha.wav
2014-03-17-10-26-07_Realtek train/2014-03-17-10-26-07_Realtek.wav


Defines the utterances within a recording. Every line defines one utterance. If start and end are not given it’s assumed the recording consist of a single utterance. And end value of -1 indicates the end of the recording. Start and end are measured in seconds.

<utterance-id> <recording-id> <start> <end>


1_hello 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Kinect-Beam
1_hello_sam 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Realtek 0 -1
2_this_is 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha 0 5
3_goto 2014-03-17-09-45-16_Yamaha 5 -1

transcriptions.txt (optional)

List of transcriptions for utterances.

<utterance-id> <transcription>


1_hello hi this is
1_hello_sam hello sam
2_this_is this is me
3_goto go to the mall

transcriptions_raw.txt (optional)

List of raw transcriptions for utterances. These may contain punctuation, numbers that aren’t written out, abbreviations …

<utterance-id> <raw-transcription>


1_hello hi, this is?
1_hello_sam hello sam!!
2_this_is this is me.
3_goto go to the mall

utt2spk.txt (optional)

Defines the speakers of the utterances.

<utterance-id> <speaker-id>


1_hello marc
1_hello_sam marc
2_this_is sam
3_goto jenny

speaker_info.json (optional)

Contains any additional information about the speakers. Currently gender is the only defined key. Of course any other information can be stored.


    "marc": {"gender": "m"},
    "sam": {"gender": "m"},
    "jenny": {"gender": "f"}